Jewelry (Part 1)

I loved fined jewelry. What about you? We don't often investigate the things we adorn our bodies with once it looks good and costly we tend to believe that all is ok. Once the food taste and look good we don't care how it's been prepared or how unhealthy it is or worst think about the …

Served vs To be served!

Galatians 5:13 You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. When was the last time you had really served someone wholeheartedly? Do you prefer to be served? We are placed on this earth to serve Almighty …

Trauma ( Sexual Abuse/Assault)

Trauma is defined as an emotional response someone has experienced due to extreme negative events in their lives. It can affect a person's life to the extent, that it can interfere with a person ability to live a normal life. What are the main causes of trauma? Rape Domestic violence Natural disasters Severe illness or …

Is it important to speak to your child about sex?

It is important and necessary to teach your children about sex before they learn it somewhere else. Sex is everywhere in the media, television, radio, the way we dress nowadays. If we don't spend the time to educate our children on sex they eventually going to learn it from someone else and the opportunity to …

Learning how to be submissive to God.

One of my greatest struggles as a Christian is being submissive. I was brought up into a rough life so that aids towards me having this block put between me and other person's. I sometimes consider myself a hard rock to crack but in my mind submission is seen as a sign of weakness yet …

Stepping forward,Being a voice for the voiceless …

Did you know that statics has proven that every 1/3 females are sexually abused before the age of 18,(I fall into that category unfortunately) also 1/6 boys are sexually abused before the age of 18. We as parents need to be our children's keepers. In the USA alone there are 42 millions survivors of sexual …